The Missions Committee is a part of the Outreach Committee and is responsible to the Church Council to organize, coordinate, and complete all mission activities and projects in which the congregation engages beyond our local community. As this committee offers mission activities, they offer the opportunity to reach out to others who are less fortunate than we are and who may not know the love of God as we do.

The work of the committee is central to our success in our mission to make disciples for Jesus the Christ. Mission projects give the members of the congregation opportunities to use their gifts to help others – to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world. By being the hands and feet of Jesus, we allow others to see Jesus alive and engaged in their lives.

The mission activities of our congregation include opportunities to participate in Conference mission projects; youth mission trips; providing computers for organizations in need; supporting a covenant missionary; and providing learning opportunities regarding the mission work of our church and our denomination.

If you would like more information concerning our mission activities contact one of the members of the committee. The members are listed on the information table in the social hall.